Monday, December 27, 2010


I forgot to send Jacob a Christmas card! I doubt he'll bat an eye; he was looking forward to spending the holidays alone, and even asked his daughter NOT to come visit for Thanksgiving or for Christmas. Jacob and I had a beer at The Village about a month and a half ago, and he seemed really happy in general, but definitely a bit Scroogey at the mention of holiday company!

Let's quickly add up everything I know about Jacob's parenting prowess (2010). I'll preface this by saying he's certainly not winning any father-of-the-year awards this year.

1- Refused to attend only daughter's wedding for selfish reasons even when urged otherwise by many friends, myself included.
2- Refuses to accept daughter's new husband for absolutely no reason at all (he has barely spoken to the guy before)
3- Says "nope" when daughter asks if she may visit her father for Thanksgiving and/or Christmas.

When we met for the drink, in a brave moment I asked him if he was seeing a therapist, but he misheard my question and I chickened out on the "re-ask". Perhaps next time?

In other news, oddly enough, he seems open to the idea of dating. When I say open, I mean only that. He will consider it. He is not, however, filling out questionnaires on E-Harmony, buying new cologne, or prowling the local Lynchburg watering holes (which would prove a near pointless endeavor anyway). My husband David and I know a woman who might be a good match for a cup of coffee or something stupidly simple like that. She is a widow, but lost her husband 13 or so years ago. She is just a few years older than Jacob, and is very pretty. She is an old friend of David's family, and I'm hoping that the next time we're in Lynchburg we can introduce the two of them at a casual dinner.

I will definitely need booze.

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